Cohort and Content Variability in Value-Added Model School Effects

Daniel Anderson

Joseph Stevens

University of Oregon


Value added Models, or VAMs:

Study purpose

Cohort effects

Content effects

Research Questions

  1. What is the stability of school effect estimates across cohorts and content area (reading and math)?
  2. What proportion of the variance in students' scores is attributable to school, cohort, or content facets?
  3. How does the number of cohorts modeled impact the reliability of school effect estimates?

Methods: Sample


nonWhite 35
SWD 12
Female 50
FRL 50

Analysis plan

  1. Fit a VAM to each cohort of students in each content area
  2. Explore changes in schools' normative rank across models
  3. Fit a combined model across cohorts
  4. Use Generaliziability Theory to (a) estimate the reliability of school effects, and (b) project reliability, given a change in the number of cohorts modeled.

Basic school-effects model

\[ RIT_{ig} = \alpha + \beta_1(g4) + \beta_2(Pr \times g3_4) + \beta_3(Pr \times g3_5) + \beta_4(Pr \times g4_5) + r_i + u_j + e_{ij} \]

Breaking the model apart

Grade 4 outcome

\[ RIT_{i4} = \alpha + \beta_1(g4) + \beta_2(Pr \times g3_4) + r_i + u_j + e_{ij} \]

Grade 5 outcome

\[ RIT_{i5} = \alpha + \beta_3(Pr \times g3_5) + r_i + u_j + e_{ij} \\\ RIT_{i5} = \alpha + \beta_4(Pr \times g4_5) + r_i + u_j + e_{ij} \]

Fixed-effects portion of the model

Note the residual variances were constrained to be equal

Combined model

\[ RIT_{ig} = \alpha + \beta_1(g4) + \beta_2(Pr \times g3_4) + \beta_3(Pr \times g3_5) + \beta_4(Pr \times g4_5) + \\ r_i + u_j + v_c + v_cu_j + e_{ij} \]


Relative reliability coefficient \[ G = \frac{\sigma_{sch}^2}{\sigma_{sch}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{cohSch}^2}{n_{coh}'} + \frac{\sigma_{e}^2}{n_{stu}'n_{coh}'} } \]

Absolute reliability coefficient

\[ \Phi = \frac{\sigma_{sch}^2}{\sigma_{sch}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{stu}^2}{n_{stu}'} + \frac{\sigma_{coh}^2}{n_{coh}'} + \frac{\sigma_{cohSch}^2}{n_{coh}'} + \frac{\sigma_{e}^2}{n_{stu}'n_{coh}'} } \]

Results: School-effect variability across cohorts (math)

Results: School-effect variability across cohorts (reading)

Variability across content areas

Results: G-Theory

Variance Components
Math Percentage Reading Percentage
\(\sigma_{stu}^2\) 55.63 67.5 44.02 68.43
\(\sigma_{sch}^2\) 8.68 10.5 6.07 9.44
\(\sigma_{coh}^2\) 0.84 1.0 0.08 0.12
\(\sigma_{cohSch}^2\) 1.51 1.8 0.84 1.30
\(\sigma_{e}^2\) 15.82 19.2 13.32 20.71

$G =$ 0.95 and 0.96 for reading and math, respectively
$\Phi =$ 0.92 and 0.95 for reading and math, respectively

Results: D-Study


Limitations and future directions


This research was funded in part by a Cooperative Service Agreement from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) establishing the National Center on Assessment and Accountability for Special Education (NCAASE; PR/Award Number R324C110004); the findings and conclusions expressed do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the U.S. Department of Education.

Correspondence concerning this manuscript should be addressed to Daniel Anderson, IES Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Center on Teaching and Learning, University of Oregon. E-mail:

