equatiomatic 0.3.1 2022-01-30

  • Minor bug fix related to lifecycle badges
  • New license: CC-BY
  • Bug fix: If names overlap, prior version had an error with the ordering and construction of the coefficients.
  • Bug fix: Prior versions did not escape characters in multilevel models when declaring the grouping factor (e.g., for census_division l = 1 is now rendered as for census\_division l = 1).
  • Feature addition: added se_subscripts argument, which allows the standard error for each coefficient to be included in parentheses below the coefficient when se_subscripts = TRUE. This is supported for lm and glm models.

equatiomatic 0.3.0 2021-09-27

  • Export new renderEq() and eqOutput() functions for working with equatiomatic with shiny.
  • Specific parts of the equation can now be colored with the new greek_colors, subscript_colors, var_colors and var_subscript_colors arguments.
  • Includes new swap_var_names and swap_subscript_names arguments to change the names of the variables or subscripts in the rendered equation
  • A new vignette documents the usage of colors and name swapping.
  • Now accommodates lme4::glmer() models.
  • Include new return_variances argument, which allows users to optionally return the variance/covariances in lme4::lmer() and lme4::glmer() models
  • Added new font_size argument, which takes any LaTeX font size (see here)
  • Added new label argument, which allows for cross-referencing equation in-text with PDF outputs.
  • Now includes rendering of poly(), log(), and exp() functions for in-line equations, and will drop the I() for generic in-line equation operation
  • Bug fix related to categorical variables and level parsing for lme4::lmer() and and lme4::glmer() models
  • Minor bug fix related to indexing of coefficients for lme4::lmer() models
  • Minor bug fix related to very large models, which would not render properly before
  • lme4::lmer() models now allow for in-line alterations to the code, e.g., I(n >5).
  • Minor bug fix related to SARIMA models

equatiomatic 0.2.0 2021-01-30

  • New models: This is the first version to support lme4::lmer() models and forecast::Arima() models.

  • New vignettes for each of the new models supported.

  • New vignette showing how to use the package with plotting

  • Switched the testing framework to use snapshot testing

  • Uses new print method so users no longer have to specify results = "asis" in the R Markdown chunk option

  • Fixed error in rendering logistic/probit regression equations by removing the epsilon (error term) at the end of the left-hand side

  • The epsilon (error term) is no longer shown when rendering the fitted model equation, i.e. use_coefs = TRUE, for lm models. The hat sign is also added to the response variable.

equatiomatic 0.1.0 2020-08-27

  • Initial CRAN Release

  • Extracts equations for lm models

  • Extracts equations for glm models with family = binomial(link = "logit") or family = binomial(link = "probit")

  • Extracts equations form ordered regression models using MASS::polr or ordered::clm for logit and probit link functions

  • glm models have an optional show_distribution argument to show the distributional assumptions

  • All equations can be displayed using Greek notation or the estimated coefficients

  • The raw_tex code can be used to supply custom TeX code for the intercept or the coefficients, through the intercept and greek arguments respectively

  • Long equations can be wrapped to multiple lines with the optional wrap argument. The length of the wrapping is controlled by terms_per_line.

  • Added a NEWS.md file to track subsequent changes to the package.