This is the dataset used in Gelman & Hill's book, Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. They are polling data on the presidential election from 1988, collected one week before the election. You can download all the data from the book here: Note that this is only a few of the variables from the original data supplied with the book.
A tibble with 13,544 rows and 7 variables:
An integer denoting the state identification number.
An ordered factor stating the education level of the respondent
An unordered factor stating the age of range of the respondent
A dummy variable (integer) denoting whether the respondent was coded as male (female = 0) or female (female = 1).
A dummy variable (integer) denoting whether the respondent was coded as Black (black = 1) or not Black (black = 0).
A sampling weight
Whether the respondent stated they were in favor of voting for George Bush Sr.